Empowering students with the skills to discover, develop, and excel in a Full Life. Presented as an interactive, customized field trip experience, students will have the opportunity to learn valuable life skills, increase social skills, and work on pre-employment skills in a creative, inspiring environment. Tailored to the needs of each specific class, teachers will personalize the experience by selecting from a menu of skill options, creating a day of learning and fun!
Overall statement of the Full Life Ahead Foundation: Positively impacting the lives of individuals with disabilities, and their families, by creating hope, encouraging dreams, setting expectations, and establishing action plans to achieve a FULL LIFE.
We believe in the potential of every student. We also believe it is our responsibility to uplift the families of these students by giving them the opportunity to take chances, gain knowledge, and experience a spark of H.O.P.E. It is this H.O.P.E. that sets us apart. It’s also what inspires countless collaborations with other incredible partners. Ultimately, H.O.P.E. is the tool we use to inspire families & individuals with a glimpse of just how far they can go – while creating memories and making connections that will last a lifetime.